Range Rover Evoque: Differential Support Insulator


1. WARNING: Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands. Raise and support the vehicle.

2. Support the rear differential using a transmission jack.

3. CAUTION: Mark the components to aid installation.

Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential


Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential


1. Torque: 35 Nm

Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential


Make sure that new bolts are installed.

Make sure that the installation marks are aligned.

Torque: 175 Nm

Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential

Differential Front Bushing

Special Tool(s)

Remover, Differential Bushing

Remover, Differential Bushing

Installer, Differential Bushing

Installer, Differential Bushing

Installer, Differential Bushing

Spacer, Differential Bushing

Hydraulic Cylinder 10t


1. WARNING: Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands. Raise and support the vehicle.

2. Remove both rear wheels and tires.

Refer to: Wheel and Tire (204-04 Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation).

3. Remove the rear differential.

Refer to: Differential Case - Vehicles With: M66 6-Speed Manual Transmission AWD (205-02 Rear Drive Axle/Differential, Removal and Installation).

Refer to: Differential Case - Vehicles With: AWF21 6-Speed Automatic Transmission (205-02 Rear Drive Axle/Differential, Removal and Installation).


Mark the components to aid installation.

Note the fitted position of the component prior to removal.

Using the special tools, remove the bushing.

Special Tool(s): 205-860-01, 205-860-02, 205-860-10, LR-121

Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential


1. Using the special tool, compress the bushing.

Special Tool(s): 205-860-09, 205-860-04, LR-121

Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential

2. CAUTION: Make sure the correct special tool is used to install the bushings to the correct depth.

NOTE: Make sure that these components are installed to the noted removal position.

Using the special tool, install the bushing.

Special Tool(s): 205-860-10, 205-860-01, 205-860-04, 205-860-03, LR-121

Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential

3. Install the rear differential.

Refer to: Differential Case - Vehicles With: M66 6-Speed Manual Transmission AWD (205-02 Rear Drive Axle/Differential, Removal and Installation).

Refer to: Differential Case - Vehicles With: AWF21 6-Speed Automatic Transmission (205-02 Rear Drive Axle/Differential, Removal and Installation).

4. Install the rear wheels and tires.

Refer to: Wheel and Tire (204-04 Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation).


 Differential Rear Bushing

Special Tool(s) 205-860-09 Installer, Differential Bushing 205-861-01 Remover, Differential Bushing 205-861-02 Remover/Installer, Differential Bushing 205-861-03 Installer, Differential Bushing 205-86

 Drive Pinion Flange Vehicles With: AWF21 6-Speed Automatic Transmission

Special Tool(s) 205-053 Retainer, Drive Flange Removal All vehicles 1. WARNING: Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands. Raise and support the vehicle. Vehicles with diesel engine 2. Refer t

 Drive Pinion Front Bearing

Special Tool(s) 100-012 Slide Hammer 205-067 Preload Gauge 308-615 Remover, Seals JLR-205-972 Mounting Bracket, Rear Axle JLR-205-984 Remover/Installer, Drive Pinion Nut JLR-205-985 Remover, Drive Pin


 Engine Emission Control - GTDi 2.0L Petrol

Emission Control - Component Location COMPONENT LOCATION Intake manifold Bolt (8 off) Crankcase ventilation hose Oil separator Gasket Camshaft cover Lower clean air inlet duct Upper clean air inlet duct Camshaft cover vent hose Air cleaner housing Engine Emission Control - Overview OVER

 Engine Control Module (PCM)

Engine Control Module 2.2L - I4 - DW12c TD4  CAUTION: Diagnosis by substitution from a donor vehicle is NOT acceptable. Substitution of control modules does not guarantee confirmation of a fault, and may also cause additional faults in the vehicle being tested and/or the donor vehicle.  

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