Range Rover Evoque: Differential Support Insulator


1. WARNING: Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands. Raise and support the vehicle.

2. Support the rear differential using a transmission jack.

3. CAUTION: Mark the components to aid installation.

Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential


Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential


1. Torque: 35 Nm

Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential


Make sure that new bolts are installed.

Make sure that the installation marks are aligned.

Torque: 175 Nm

Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential

Differential Front Bushing

Special Tool(s)

Remover, Differential Bushing

Remover, Differential Bushing

Installer, Differential Bushing

Installer, Differential Bushing

Installer, Differential Bushing

Spacer, Differential Bushing

Hydraulic Cylinder 10t


1. WARNING: Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands. Raise and support the vehicle.

2. Remove both rear wheels and tires.

Refer to: Wheel and Tire (204-04 Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation).

3. Remove the rear differential.

Refer to: Differential Case - Vehicles With: M66 6-Speed Manual Transmission AWD (205-02 Rear Drive Axle/Differential, Removal and Installation).

Refer to: Differential Case - Vehicles With: AWF21 6-Speed Automatic Transmission (205-02 Rear Drive Axle/Differential, Removal and Installation).


Mark the components to aid installation.

Note the fitted position of the component prior to removal.

Using the special tools, remove the bushing.

Special Tool(s): 205-860-01, 205-860-02, 205-860-10, LR-121

Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential


1. Using the special tool, compress the bushing.

Special Tool(s): 205-860-09, 205-860-04, LR-121

Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential

2. CAUTION: Make sure the correct special tool is used to install the bushings to the correct depth.

NOTE: Make sure that these components are installed to the noted removal position.

Using the special tool, install the bushing.

Special Tool(s): 205-860-10, 205-860-01, 205-860-04, 205-860-03, LR-121

Range Rover Evoque. Rear Drive Axle/Differential

3. Install the rear differential.

Refer to: Differential Case - Vehicles With: M66 6-Speed Manual Transmission AWD (205-02 Rear Drive Axle/Differential, Removal and Installation).

Refer to: Differential Case - Vehicles With: AWF21 6-Speed Automatic Transmission (205-02 Rear Drive Axle/Differential, Removal and Installation).

4. Install the rear wheels and tires.

Refer to: Wheel and Tire (204-04 Wheels and Tires, Removal and Installation).


 Differential Rear Bushing

Special Tool(s) 205-860-09 Installer, Differential Bushing 205-861-01 Remover, Differential Bushing 205-861-02 Remover/Installer, Differential Bushing 205-861-03 Installer, Differential Bushing 205-86

 Drive Pinion Flange Vehicles With: AWF21 6-Speed Automatic Transmission

Special Tool(s) 205-053 Retainer, Drive Flange Removal All vehicles 1. WARNING: Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands. Raise and support the vehicle. Vehicles with diesel engine 2. Refer t

 Drive Pinion Front Bearing

Special Tool(s) 100-012 Slide Hammer 205-067 Preload Gauge 308-615 Remover, Seals JLR-205-972 Mounting Bracket, Rear Axle JLR-205-984 Remover/Installer, Drive Pinion Nut JLR-205-985 Remover, Drive Pin


 Transmission GTDi 2.0L Petrol - Installation

Installation NOTE: Some variation in the illustrations may occur, but the essential information is always correct. 1. NOTE: This step is only required if previously removed. Torque: 12 Nm 2. NOTE: This step is only required if previously removed. 3. CAUTION: Make sure that the seal is correctly

 Transmission GTDi 2.0L Petrol - Removal

Special Tool(s) 205-857 Remover, Halfshaft 303-021 Engine support bracket 303-662 Support Beam Arm and Hook Assembly, Engine JLR-303-1591 Lifting Bracket, Engine - Rear General Equipment Transmission jack NOTE: Some variation in the illustrations may occur, but the essential information is alway

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