When working on a vehicle in the workshop always make sure that:
to disconnecting the battery, refer to the Electrical Section of this manual -
For additional information, refer to: Specifications (414-01 Battery, Mounting and Cables, Specifications).
electric arc welding on a vehicle, always disconnect the generator wiring to
prevent the possibility of
a surge of current causing damage to the internal components of the generator.
If using welding equipment on the vehicle, a suitable fire extinguisher is readily available.
Battery - General
to carrying out any procedures which involve disconnecting/ or connecting the
battery, refer to the
Electrical Section of this manual - Battery disconnection/connection.
For additional information, refer to: Specifications (414-01 Battery, Mounting and Cables, Specifications).
A discharged battery condition may have been caused by an electrical short circuit. If this condition exists there will be an apparently live circuit on the vehicle even when all normal circuits are switched off. This can cause arcing when the jumper cables are connected.
While it is not recommended that the vehicle is jump started, it is recognized that this may occasionally be the only practical way to mobilize a vehicle. Prior to attempting a jump start, reference must be made to the Electrical Section of this manual - Jump Starting.
Following jump starting of a disabled vehicle, the discharged battery must be checked for serviceability and recharged off the vehicle as soon as possible to avoid permanent damage.
Do not rely on the generator to restore a discharged battery. For a generator to recharge a battery, it would take in excess of eight hours continuous driving with no additional loads placed on the battery.
Towing the Vehicle
towing is necessary, reference must be made to the Jacking, Lifting and Towing
Section of this
When the vehicle is being towed dock the remote control and switch on the ignition. (steering lock released and warning lights illuminated). Only then will the steering, turn signal lamps, horn and stop lamps be operational. Failure to follow these instructions may result in personal injury. It must be noted that with the engine not running, the power steering and brake booster will be inoperative therefore, greater effort will be needed to steer the vehicle and apply the brakes.
General Installation Instructions
Component removal
Whenever possible, clean components and the surrounding area before removal.
Observe scrupulous cleanliness when disassembling components, particularly when brake, fuel, air suspension or hydraulic system parts are disassembled. A particle of dirt or cloth fragment could cause a serious malfunction if trapped in these systems.
Suitable eye protection must be worn.
Cleaning Components
Always use cleaning agents which are suitable for the work being undertaken and the components being cleaned. NEVER use gasoline (petrol) as a cleaning agent (degreaser). Always make sure that the component being cleaned is compatible with the cleaning agent.
Always follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the use of cleaning agents and make sure that the environment in which the work is being undertaken is suitable. See Health and Safety Precautions for further information regarding cleaning.
General Inspection of Components
All components should be inspected for wear or damage before reassembling.
Joints and Joint Faces
All gaskets should be installed dry unless stated otherwise. Always apply the specified lubricant to O-rings and install O-rings using the fingers only.
Use gasket removal spray and/or plastic scrapers to remove traces of old gasket.
use metal scrapers or emery cloth as these may damage the sealing surfaces.
Many joints use sealants instead of gaskets as the sealing medium. Where this is the case, the sealant together with its part number will be found listed in the relevant repair operation and also in the sealants table.
remove all traces of the old sealant prior to reassembly. Use plastic scrapers,
specified solvents
where available or dry, lint free cloth. DO NOT use metal scrapers or emery
cloth as these may damage the sealing
surfaces. Make sure that sealing surfaces are free from oil or grease as
sealants will not adhere properly to contaminated
Do not allow sealant to enter tapped holes or oilways.
Locking Devices
Always replace locking devices with one of the same design and of the correct size.
Tab washers
Always release locking tabs before loosening fixings, do not reuse tab washers.
Always use a backing spanner when loosening and tightening locknuts, brake and fuel pipe unions.
Roll pins
Always install new roll pins of the correct size.
Always install new circlips ensuring that they are of the correct size for the groove.
Woodruff keys
Woodruff keys may be reused provided there is no indication of wear or distortion.
Remove any burrs from edges of keyways using a fine file.
Split pins
Never attempt to straighten and reuse a split pin, always make sure that replacement pins are of the correct size for the hole in which they are to be installed.
Screw Threads
Damaged nuts, bolts and screws must always be discarded. Attempting to recut or repair damaged threads with a tap or die impairs the strength and fit of the threads and is not recommended.
During certain repair operations, it may be necessary to remove traces of thread locking agents using a tap. Where this is necessary, the instruction to do so will appear in the relevant operation and it is essential that a tap of the correct size and thread is used.
New Taptite bolts when used cut their own threads on the first application.
Castellated nuts must not be loosened to accept a split pin except in recommended cases when this forms part of an adjustment.
Where it is stated that bolts and screws may be reused, the following procedures must be carried out:
use a wire brush; take care that threads are not damaged.