Range Rover Evoque: Diesel Fuel System Health and Safety Precautions

Range Rover Evoque. WARNINGS WARNINGS:

Fuel may not give adequate warning before toxic or harmful effects arise.

Exposure to fuel can be harmful and can cause severe health damage or death.

Provide adequate ventilation when working on fuel systems.

Extreme care must be exercised when handling hot fluids. Always wash off spilled fluids from affected areas of skin immediately.

Fuel must not be used as a cleaning agent.

Keep fuel containers tightly closed, out of direct sunlight and in a cool area. Keep away from heat sources, ignition sources and oxidizing agents.

SKIN CONTACT: Fuel is mildly irritating to the skin and may cause dermatitis due to defatting effect. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash affected areas of skin with soap and water. Seek medical attention for any persistent skin irritation or abnormality. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.

SKIN CONTACT: Excessive or prolonged skin contact with diesel fuel may cause serious skin disorders including skin cancer.

EYE CONTACT: Fuel is mildly irritating to the eyes. Flush with plenty of running water, blinking as often as possible.

Do not force the eyelid open. Seek medical attention for any persistent eye irritation or abnormality.

SWALLOWED: Fuel is moderately toxic and tends to foam on vomiting. If drawn into the lungs, inflammation may develop. Do not induce vomiting. If spontaneous vomiting occurs place the victim in a forward position to reduce the risk of fuel being drawn into the lungs. Give nothing by mouth. If breathing but unconscious, place in the recovery position. If breathing has stopped, apply artificial respiration. Seek immediate medical attention.

INHALED: Fuel is toxic to the respiratory and other body systems. Exposure may result in various symptoms including drowsiness, unconsciousness or severe health damage. Move a victim to fresh air. Keep a victim warm and at rest. If unconscious, place in the recovery position. If not breathing, apply artificial respiration. Give cardiac massage if necessary.

Seek immediate medical attention.

Range Rover Evoque. CAUTIONS CAUTIONS:

Fuel injection equipment is manufactured to very precise tolerances and fine clearances. It is essential that absolute cleanliness is observed when working with these components.

Make sure that the workshop area in which the vehicle is being worked on is as clean and as dust free as possible.

Make sure that non-plated tools are used.

Tools must be cleaned using a new brush and fresh suitable evaporative cleaning agent.

Make sure to use a steel topped workbench covered with clean, lint-free, non-flocking material.

Make sure that all parts removed from the vehicle are placed on the lint-free, non-flocking material.

Make sure that any protective clothing worn is clean and made from lint-free, non-flocking material.

Make sure to wear non-powdered latex type gloves.

Make sure to protect all electrical components and connectors with lint-free non-flocking material before using the suitable evaporative cleaning agent.

Range Rover Evoque. NOTES NOTE: Soot, discomfort and irritation usually give adequate warning of hazardous fume concentrations.


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